Everyday Heros - Ivywood

Everyday Heros

Ivywood student sitting next to her life size drawing of a police officer
Ivywood 3rd graders’ Everyday Hero project started as research into ancient Rome.  The students learned about Roman art and architecture, specifically, mosaics and the Pantheon, Le Pont du Gard aqueduct, and the (Byzantine) structure Hagia Sophia.  Using their research of Roman art, architecture, and mythology as a springboard, they compared and contrasted what constituted a hero in ancient Rome to the heroes of today.

Roman heroes were strong, powerful warriors, rulers, or gods, and with the exception of the gods, always men.

Heroes of today are almost always helpers, those in service to others, such as teachers, police officers, and firefighters.  The 3rd graders strongly opposed the idea that someone is a hero, just because he/she is famous (they had such a lively discussion about this)!  Now, heroes come in every size, shape, color, gender, and age.  The students said they had a high level of respect for the heroes of today.